Thursday, March 26, 2015

BE A writer through writing

    Beatrice Eloisa Cruz
  • Written by: Beatrice Eloisa Cruz
  • People view writing as one of the skills that students must possess. Writing can be taught through listening as well as writing. It believes to be acquired by doing grammar drills or perhaps discussing it alone. But writing is proven to be effective if it is learned through writing itself since students have the experiences and the process which it has been successfully overcomed. Write ups are revised repeatedly as ideas run through their minds which slowly help them to have a good output.
  • Writing must include information in and out the classroom for the students to be exposed to written materials. Nevertheless, it must include other aspects of writing than on the things that happen inside the classroom. However, providing some sort of personal writing can be the bridge for the students connecting them to see the beauty of writing. This will encourage the students to give more time writing through the fast moving technologies
  • In teaching writing, teachers must manage to plan some activities that will help students improve their writing skills. But they must teach one by one the topics or in logical order rather than teaching all the topics just in a session. Better give students enough time to absorb a lesson before moving on to the next round. Furthermore, the elements of formal theme must be minimally understand by the teachers since she will ask the students to write outside the school. Also, social structures which give them time for individual work must be mastered by the teachers. Nonetheless, building connections with other writers must also be included since they are to make their names in publishing world. Like these, the teacher must be knowledgeable in assesing the students while they are writing. In addition, planning on how the students will respond to ongoing research is one of the responsibles of the teachers since they are to guide the students needs. Students must also given a chance to express themselves at any length. Making sure that they will feel free while writing. However, working on the same place takes a big part for the students. So, the teacher must make the place communicable for everyone.

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